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Press Room
Press releases and media statements, as well as fact sheets, backgrounders and other resources, are below, along with select media coverage in which our executives and staff have participated.
Home » Press Room
LeadingAge’s more than 5,000 nonprofit aging services providers and other mission-driven member organizations deliver care and services to older adults and families in communities nationwide. As the trusted voice for aging, the Washington, DC-based association strives to provide facts and perspectives to ensure that reporters, decisionmakers, and the public have accurate information about the aging services sector.
If you are a member of the media, please contact Lisa Sanders at
Media Resources
Press Admissions & Access Policy
LeadingAge, the national association of mission-driven providers of aging services, believes that effective, transparent communication is critical to achieving one of our primary goals: making America a better place to grow old. The press has an important role in educating consumers, policymakers, and other stakeholders about our sector, which is why we are committed to building and maintaining strong relationships with reporters and editors.
Our media relations team strives to provide responsive, informative collaboration with journalists. The guidelines below lay out our policies for press admissions to public events and access to LeadingAge content.
Events Access
Public Events: LeadingAge events—virtual or in-person—that offer free or paid registration options to non-members are considered public events and press are permitted to attend. On rare occasions, specific sessions at public events may not be open to press, and will be noted as such onsite (see below).
Member-Only Events: An event that offers registration or access ONLY to LeadingAge members is closed to press.
Press Passes
Virtual Education Events, Programs and Learning Hub Content: Press passes are not available for LeadingAge virtual education events, programs and Learning Hub content—though press may attend with paid registration.
Public Conferences: Press passes with free registration will be available for LeadingAge virtual and in-person conferences (including Annual Meeting, Leadership Summit and Care Tech), with a specific set of eligibility guidelines for interested journalists.
Registration and Onsite Requirements
Registration Requirements: All press are required to request approval to attend from LeadingAge’s communications team. Press must present official credentials, such as a link to a current editorial masthead with your name and title, to receive a press pass. Freelancers on assignment will be asked for an assignment letter or a note from an assigning editor, as well as links to two recent bylined articles. LeadingAge reserves the right to limit the number of press badges issued to a media organization.
Closed Sessions: Registered press may not attend sessions designated as closed to the press. LeadingAge will provide press registrants a list of closed sessions in advance of the event or at onsite registration. Closed sessions will also be marked with signage on site.
On-site Conduct: Audio and video recordings will not be permitted unless the parties to be recorded and LeadingAge’s communications team grant permission. All press attendees are expected to:
- Sign in upon arrival at the registration desk.
- Wear their identifying badge, which includes their name and outlet affiliation, at all times.
- Introduce themselves and their outlet affiliation prior to interviewing attendees, exhibitors, speakers or other event participants.
- When space is limited, non-media attendees are prioritized for entry and seating.

Hello, I’m Lisa!
I’m the Director, Media Relations. If you need any help, please contact us!