April 05, 2023

HUD Case Study on LeadingAge Member

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) research office, the Office of Policy Development & Research (PD&R), recently completed a case study on LeadingAge member Miremonte Apartments in Durango, Colorado. In 2020, Volunteers of America (VOA) opened Miremonte Apartments, a 53-unit apartment community, which consists of one- and two-bedroom apartments for older adults who are at least 55 years of age and have incomes between 30 and 50% of the area median income.

PD&R found that Miremonte, made possible through a city land donation “that saved VOA hundreds of thousands of dollars in development costs,” allows older adults to live in the community with access to resources that include a medical complex within walking distance and a regional trail network connecting to parks and the downtown area. The project is in the “village-style neighborhood of Three Springs and serves as a catalyst for development and investment in the area,” PD&R found.

“The project exemplifies how cities can use public land to guide investment that builds new services and amenities for the community. VOA is considering adding a 40-unit development on the remaining 1.5 acres adjacent to Miremonte. This second phase would adopt the same financing structure as the Miremonte project, with the city of Durango conveying the land to VOA for $10,” the case study says.

Read the full case study here.