LeadingAge is helping members with education staff and older adults about the COVID-19 vaccines. We’re sharing important educational resources and hosting special LeadingAge webinars with pharmacy partners CVS and Walgreens. We’ll also connect members with experts on vaccine education on weekly member online events.
Educational Materials & Best Practices
Following are materials you can download for use in your education efforts.
- COVID Vaccine Toolkit For Black Care Professionals
- COVID Vaccine Toolkit For Hispanic Care Professionals
- Encouraging COVID-19 Vaccination (1/19/21)
- CDC Common Questions Poster
- CDC “Getting Back to Normal” Poster
- CDC Vaccine is an Important Tool Poster
- CDC Vaccine Will Not Give You COVID-19 Poster
- CDC What to Expect After Getting a Vaccine Poster
- CDC Vaccine Safety Video
- COVID-19 Vaccine Education and Equity Project’s “Vaccine Approval Process Handout” English Spanish
- Moderna Vaccine Fact Sheet
- Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Fact Sheet
- IHI Toolkit to Address Vaccine Hesitancy in Nursing Homes: Conversation Guide and Accompanying Slides
Materials for Housing Providers
- Vaccination Clinic Tips and Tools for Housing Providers
- Vaccine Toolkit for Housers
- Sample Letter to Residents
- Sample Resident Vaccine Survey
- Tips: Communicating with Residents
- Sample excel spreadsheet tool to use with resident vaccine survey in toolkit
Materials for Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Providers
LeadingAge/Pathways Vaccine Toolkit
Best Practices for Education & Outreach
Members know better than anyone how to make education and outreach around vaccines work. Following are tips and best practices from members.
Other Government and Pharmacy Partner Resources
- CDC: Older Adults at Greater Risk of Requiring Hospitalization or Dying if Diagnosed with COVID-19 Website
- CVS Pharmacy Partnership for Long-term Care Program Website
- Walgreens Pharmacy Partnership for Long-term Care Program Website
Connecting Providers with Education Experts & Pharmacy Partners
We’re connecting members with experts through our Online Coronavirus Policy Update calls. Check out interview recordings and summaries from recent one-on-one discussions with LeadingAge, including Dr. Martha Dawson, President of the National Black Nurses Association, Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, Vice Dean of the Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Dr. Jerome Adams U.S. Surgeon General.
Educating & Telling Our Story on Social Media
As the vaccine arrives at member organizations, we have an important opportunity to help tell the story of the COVID vaccine in aging services. Opening our doors to share this experience allows us to tell our stories of hope and resilience. By sharing pictures and videos of members’ staff and older adults getting vaccinated, we can show directly that aging services providers are getting the job done around vaccination, while also serving as the education itself by modelling the right behavior. Follow LeadingAge on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram using the handle @leadingage. For social media infocards you can post, view there here.
Vaccine Encouragement for Staff
- Tyler Perry on Vaccine Acceptance
- American Medical Directors Association COVID vaccine toolkit
- LeadingAge Resource: Aging Services Providers Address Immunization Acceptance: Background/Analysis: Aging Service Providers Address Immunization Acceptance; Public Education Efforts Must Be Stepped Up
- Financial Incentives To Encourage Staff To Get COVID-19 Vaccine: “Nursing Homes Offer Financial Incentives to Encourage Staff to Get COVID-19 Vaccine“
- NBC News – Changing the minds of workers who refused vaccination: “Nursing Homes Make Big Push to Change Minds of Workers who Refused Vaccination“
- NYT – Addressing Vaccination Myths and Misconceptions
- IHI – COVID-19 Vaccine Education: A guide for conversations with nursing home team membe