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Support Leaders
in Aging Services

Leadership matters in aging services. LeadingAge is committed to building a strong pipeline of quality, diverse leadership in the sector. We fundraise around leadership development to ensure that everyone has access to our programs.

The Larry Minnix Leadership Development Fund gives members and others the opportunity to support LeadingAge initiatives that strengthen leadership diversity across the sector, expand our student program, and provide access to our national leadership programs. Donations support program expenses, scholarships, and other related costs. 

Leadership Scholarships

LeadingAge is known for our unique and valuable leadership development programs, including the flagship, annual Leadership Academy. The Leadership Development Fund has provided more than 50 scholarships to members in need of funding to attend.

“There is no real dollar amount anyone can put on the LeadingAge Leadership Academy–but without scholarships, former students such as myself, now a Fellow, would not be able to continually contribute, give back to communities, and leave their mark on an ever-changing health care landscape.”

Ashley M. Tanner

2022 Academy alum

Larry Minnix Leadership Development Fund

Minimum: $25. Popular amounts: $50, $100, $250, $500.
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Thank You to our 2022 Donors!

Your generous donations have made an impact on members of our provider communities and aging services.